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My Two Cents on Media Club

4 years in this CCA and 2 quotes that I still stand by - ‘We are the backbone of school events’ and ‘Improvise, Adapt, Overcome’. It holds so much meaning in what we do, and what we have achieved. But what do they actually mean?

It means turning up earlier and leaving later than the rest. It means we put in 110% of our efforts during events. It means we work together, no matter our differences; for things will fall apart without us.

AVA is a huge part of all events, and it has been since day 1. I sincerely hope my juniors will realize that, and start taking up responsibilities after we have graduated. It also means we rarely get recognized, rarely get praised, and rarely get noticed. Not many CCAs have the opportunity to go behind the scenes, and even fewer know what we do. But fret not, because the people around me was what kept me going, for myself and for this CCA.

I am very grateful for my old EXCO. The journey hasn’t been easy, really. 4 years is a long time, we have had our fair share of disagreements, and tough times, but I’m glad we always come to a consensus. Dealing with teachers, juniors, CCA planning, event rehearsals, assemblies, FRCs and so much more is no easy feat, but we all persevered because of the commitment we have for this CCA. We overcame everything that was thrown at us, and I’m proud of what we have accomplished.

I am thankful for my juniors, for they have broadened my rational thinking and my leadership abilities. We are harsh on you. We scold you when you don’t listen. We punish you when you repeat the same mistakes. But to be honest, our hearts ache every time we do this. After all these years, we still cannot bear to lash out on you. We question ourselves after every CCA session if we had gone too far. We sometimes question our abilities, because no matter what we do, we cannot seem to get your attention during CCA. It has taken a mental toll on us, but at the end of the day, the only comfort is your laughter within your group of friends, making this CCA a little more lively.

The merger was a heartening sight for me. I resonated with the concern and worry that my juniors had, and seeing them so emotional about the CCA really struck a chord in me.

Looking back, the merger had its challenges, but it also strengthened my commitment for this CCA. This CCA may not be the same CCA when

I first joined, but I still want to make it the best, and leave my legacy behind.

Special mention to Jenna, Larm and Eunice: We were acquaintances before this CCA merged, but we have gone through so much together this year. I have learnt a thing or two from you guys, thank you for being patient and the contributions to this CCA. Meeting you guys was the best outcome from the merger.

I will hold on to the memories I’ve made – memories of tough times, memories of joy, memories of friendships, even after I leave this CCA.