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My Two Cents on Learning How to Cycle (Part 1)

Yes. I’m seventeen and I still don’t know how to cycle. A little embarrassing if you asked me. My school is doing a fitness challenge using Strava and there’s 3 categories - cardio, sports and strength. Figured might as well use this opportunity to try and learn cycling. Should be counted to the number of hours I need to clock :)

So I was contacted by Anywheels SG a few days ago, after posting a picture of their bike in the park by the tree. At that time it was a good photo, but it turns out I missed the bigger picture, which is their bike was parked wrongly (at the wrong place, beside a bunch of trees) and I stupidly went to post the picture HAHA. Okay but turns out they were quite nice and told me about this photo competition they were holding until the end of November (basically need to take pics of their bicycles and post, best one will get some prize which I have a vague memory of). Anyways I was intrigued and I definitely needed to learn how to ride a bike before taking photos for a competition by a bicycle company else it would be soooo ironic lmao. Hence I decided to download their app and give it a go.

Not sponsored - yet - but their 60mins free riding is quite a steal I must say. Its sufficient for me to successfully learn the basics of riding in (almost) a straight line. But sadly, they will decreasing the 60mins to 30mins come 1st Dec, soooo yeah :(

But yes, I still can’t believe I had a small accomplishment today hahahaha. I was over geared fearing for my life I would fall off or crash or something (ok yes i crashed a few times I’m sorry anywheels, but the bike’s fine! it still works hehe). Glad the purchase of gloves and sweatpants from Uniqlo was a good decision last year :))))))))

Alrights ending it here with a checklist of my cycling journey - what i wish to accomplish before 2020 ends. Hope it doesn’t take long!

  • cycle in straight line (checked yay)

  • cycle uphill (nope!)

  • cycle downhill (nope!)

  • cycle on uneven grounds (nope!)

  • manage to turn at a junction (nope!)