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My Two Cents on Turning 21

21 Lessons for turning 21

Just thought to share some things I’ve experienced through my 18 years in this world. Hope someone finds it useful, willing to discuss any of the points in the comments.

0. Put yourself first
1. Know your body
2. Get more sleep
3. Protect your digital privacy
4. Spend more time with your family
5. Find your comfort food/place/activity
6. Networking is good
7. Friends should make you better
8. You are the sum of your closest friends
9. Make mistakes
10. Learn from mistakes
11. Take calculated risks
12. Be spatially aware
13. Know when to ask for help
14. Listen more before you speak
15. Data is the new oil
16. Invest in good technology
17. Social media is not healthy
18. Exercise regularly
19. Do things in moderation
20. Explore your neighbourhood