ChatGPT’s Two Cents on the 2017 GCE A Level General Paper Essay Questions

I had some time over the weekend to poke around ChatGPT's features. I was amazed like the rest of us, to say the least. I also saw a lot of people milking ChatGPT for the content on the internet (YouTube especially) and decided it would be fun to jump on the bandwagon and add a little twist to the picture.

The following are its responses to the 12 GCE A Level general paper essay questions of 2017. They are straight copy pasted from ChatGPT, with a little tweaking using Grammarly to improve sentence structure and grammar. The points below are not fact-checked by me, and I will not be held accountable for any misleading quotes from the stated sources. As I said, these are straight from ChatGPT. Read on to see how brilliant this AI is!

  1. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘The past is not dead. It is not even past.’ Discuss.

    • In his famous quote, "The past is not dead. It is not even past," William Faulkner captures the essence of a timeless debate: the significance of the past in shaping the present and future. This thought-provoking statement challenges us to consider whether history truly remains an integral part of our lives or if it merely dissipates into oblivion over time. By exploring the multifaceted nature of the past, its indelible influence on society, and its ability to shape individual and collective identities, we can better understand the truth behind Faulkner's assertion.

    • Faulkner's claim that "The past is not dead. It is not even past" emphasizes the enduring presence of history in contemporary society. While some may argue that the past has little relevance to the present, a closer examination reveals the contrary. A striking example of the past's undeniable impact on the present is the persistence of systemic racial inequalities. Despite advancements in civil rights and social justice movements, racial disparities continue to exist, perpetuating a historical legacy of discrimination and oppression. The racial wealth gap in the United States, for instance, demonstrates how past injustices, such as slavery and segregation, have enduring consequences for marginalized communities. According to a report by the Institute for Policy Studies, in 2020, the average wealth of white families was nearly eight times greater than that of Black families, highlighting the long-lasting effects of historical injustices. The persistence of racial inequalities underscores how the past remains alive in the present. Historical events and systems create a framework that shapes contemporary societal structures, norms, and power dynamics. Economic disparities, educational inequalities, and disparities in healthcare access can all be traced back to historical injustices, illustrating the far-reaching consequences of the past. Therefore, acknowledging and understanding history is essential for addressing these persistent issues and creating a more equitable future. The link between past and present becomes evident when considering the interconnectedness of events and how they shape our world. Recognizing this link can catalyze social change, inspiring individuals and communities to challenge ingrained patterns of discrimination and work towards a more just society.

    • However, some argue that the past should be left behind and that focusing too much on history hinders progress. They contend that clinging to the past may prevent societies from adapting to present challenges and hinder the exploration of new possibilities. One example of this perspective can be found in debates over reparations for historical injustices. Critics argue that compensating individuals for events that transpired long ago may hinder social cohesion and perpetuate grievances. They argue that by constantly revisiting past wrongs, society remains stuck in a cycle of blame and resentment, impeding progress towards a more inclusive and united future. The proponents of this viewpoint assert that the past can act as a burden, trapping societies in cycles of retribution rather than allowing them to forge new paths. They argue that by solely focusing on historical grievances, societies risk repeating the mistakes of the past and perpetuating division and resentment. While it is important to acknowledge historical wrongs, they argue that the primary focus should be on learning from history and forging a better future. In this perspective, the past is not ignored or denied but rather regarded as a guide to inform present actions and foster positive change. By concentrating on the present and future, societies can address immediate challenges and strive for a more inclusive and harmonious society.

    • Nevertheless, despite arguments against the relevance of the past, it is imperative to recognize that history plays a fundamental role in shaping individual and collective identities. Cultural heritage and traditions are examples of how the past influences personal and communal identities. Individuals often find a sense of belonging and purpose by connecting with their ancestral roots and the historical narratives that have shaped their communities. The preservation and celebration of cultural practices and traditions provide a tangible link to the past and contribute to the richness and diversity of the human experience. By understanding and appreciating the historical foundations of our identities, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. The stories and experiences of our ancestors provide valuable insights into the challenges they faced, their triumphs, and their resilience. By embracing our history, we can build upon this collective wisdom, fostering a sense of continuity and connectedness that empowers individuals and communities to face the future with confidence. The acknowledgement of the past as a source of identity enables individuals and societies to develop a stronger sense of self and a shared purpose, fostering unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • William Faulkner's assertion that "The past is not dead. It is not even past" resonates with the profound influence history has on our lives. The past shapes our present through the perpetuation of social inequalities, the need to rectify historical injustices, and the formation of individual and collective identities. While there are arguments against the relevance of the past, dismissing history altogether undermines our understanding of the world and limits our capacity for growth and progress. Instead, we must engage with the past, learn from it, and leverage its lessons to create a more just, inclusive, and connected future. By recognizing the indelible link between the past, present, and future, we can navigate the complexities of our world with wisdom and compassion.

  2. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Can the use of animals for scientific research ever be justified?

    • The use of animals for scientific research has been a subject of intense debate for decades. On one hand, proponents argue that such research is necessary for medical advancements, ensuring the safety of products, and understanding complex biological processes. On the other hand, critics contend that it is morally wrong to subject animals to experimentation and that alternative methods should be pursued. This essay aims to explore both sides of the argument, providing real-world evidence and explanations to support each perspective, ultimately delving into the question of whether the use of animals for scientific research can ever be justified.

    • Animals have been instrumental in numerous medical breakthroughs, contributing to the development of vaccines, treatments, and surgical procedures. The use of animals in research has led to significant advancements in combating diseases such as polio, smallpox, and malaria. For instance, the discovery of insulin and its role in treating diabetes was made possible through experiments on dogs. Such discoveries have saved countless human lives and improve overall healthcare. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, animal research has played a critical role in 70% of Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine awarded since 1901. This demonstrates the significant contributions made by animal research to our understanding of human biology and the subsequent development of life-saving treatments. Animals, as biological organisms, share fundamental physiological and genetic similarities with humans. These similarities make animals valuable models for studying human diseases and evaluating the safety and efficacy of potential treatments. The complexity of the human body necessitates the use of whole organisms to comprehend intricate interactions and processes, which cannot be adequately replicated in cell cultures or computer simulations. The utilization of animals in scientific research has undoubtedly contributed to the advancement of medical knowledge and the development of treatments, providing tangible benefits to human health.

    • Critics argue that subjecting animals to experiments raises serious ethical concerns. Animals, like humans, possess the capacity to experience pain and suffer. The use of animals in research can involve invasive procedures, confinement, and exposure to potentially harmful substances, causing distress and harm. Additionally, advancements in technology and alternative research methods offer viable alternatives that may render animal experimentation unnecessary. The rise of alternative methods such as in vitro testing, computer simulations, and tissue engineering has shown promising results in replacing or reducing the use of animals in research. For instance, the "organs-on-chips" technology mimics the functions of human organs, allowing researchers to simulate disease processes and test potential treatments without the need for animal subjects. Ethical considerations should prioritize the minimization of animal suffering whenever possible. The principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) guide scientists in finding alternatives to animal experimentation or minimizing the number of animals used while improving experimental techniques to reduce pain and distress. By investing in the development and adoption of alternative methods, society can strive towards a more compassionate and morally justifiable approach to scientific research. Promoting and investing in alternative research methods can help strike a balance between scientific progress and ethical considerations, reducing the reliance on animals and ensuring their welfare.

    • A robust regulatory framework is crucial to ensuring that animal research is conducted ethically and responsibly. Animal welfare regulations and institutional ethics committees play a crucial role in safeguarding animals used in scientific research, ensuring that their use is justified, and minimizing unnecessary harm. Institutions and organizations have established guidelines and regulations to govern animal research. Examples include the Animal Welfare Act in the United States and the European Directive 2010/63/EU, which sets strict standards for animal welfare, care, and ethical oversight in scientific research. Strict regulations and oversight mechanisms are in place to ensure that animal research is conducted with the utmost care and adherence to ethical principles. Researchers are required to demonstrate the potential benefits of their studies and justify the use of animals as the most appropriate and scientifically valid approach. Ethical review committees evaluate research proposals to assess the necessity, potential harm, and ethical considerations involved, ensuring that animal use is justified and minimized whenever possible. The existence of regulatory frameworks and ethical oversight provides a necessary safeguard to prevent unnecessary suffering and ensure that animal research is conducted responsibly and only when justified.

    • The use of animals for scientific research continues to be a contentious issue. While animal experimentation has undoubtedly contributed to significant medical advancements, it is essential to acknowledge the ethical concerns involved and explore alternatives that reduce animal suffering. Striking a balance between scientific progress, human health benefits, and animal welfare requires continuous investment in alternative research methods, strict regulations, and ethical oversight. By striving for advancements in alternative methods and embracing ethical considerations, we can pave the way for a more humane and morally justifiable approach to scientific research.

  3. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: In your society, to what extent is it acceptable for public money to be used for the acquisition of works of art?

    • The allocation of public money for the acquisition of works of art is a complex issue that sparks debates regarding the appropriate use of taxpayer funds. While some argue that investing public money in art is an essential endeavour for cultural enrichment and community development, others question the justification of diverting limited resources away from pressing societal needs. This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of this debate, considering both sides of the argument and providing real-world evidence and logical reasoning to illuminate the complexities surrounding the acceptable extent of public expenditure on artistic acquisitions.

    • Public investment in art provides substantial cultural and educational benefits to society. For instance, renowned institutions such as the Louvre in Paris and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City serve as educational hubs, offering invaluable experiences for visitors of all ages. These establishments facilitate access to artistic expressions from diverse historical periods and cultures, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of human creativity. Public money allocated for artistic acquisitions allows for the preservation and display of significant cultural artefacts. By investing in artwork, societies safeguard their cultural heritage and provide future generations with access to tangible representations of their history and identity. This preservation not only enriches the collective memory but also promotes cultural diversity and fosters social cohesion. Supporting the arts through public funds encourages the development of artistic talent and creativity within society. Artists rely on the patronage of institutions to thrive, creating a vibrant artistic community that contributes to the cultural fabric of a nation. Additionally, exposure to art can nurture critical thinking, aesthetic sensitivity, and emotional intelligence, fostering well-rounded individuals capable of contributing meaningfully to various aspects of society.

    • The allocation of public funds for artistic acquisitions should be weighed against competing societal needs and fiscal responsibility. Many communities face urgent challenges such as poverty, healthcare disparities, and crumbling infrastructure. These issues require substantial public investment to address the immediate needs and improve overall well-being. Diverting funds to art acquisitions may be seen as a misallocation of resources, neglecting pressing concerns that directly impact the lives of citizens. Every dollar spent on art acquisitions represents an opportunity cost in terms of foregone investment in critical social services. Policymakers must consider the trade-offs between funding art and addressing societal challenges. Limited public resources necessitate careful deliberation to ensure the optimal allocation of funds to maximize the well-being of citizens. While prioritizing social welfare is crucial, it is important to strike a balance between immediate needs and long-term investments in cultural development. A well-rounded society requires both the fulfilment of immediate needs and the cultivation of a vibrant artistic community that can contribute to social progress. Finding this balance is a challenging task for policymakers, requiring careful consideration of the potential benefits and drawbacks of allocating public money for artistic acquisitions.

    • The question of the acceptable extent of using public money for the acquisition of works of art demands thoughtful analysis and deliberation. On one hand, supporting the arts provides invaluable cultural and educational benefits, promoting creativity and enriching society's collective memory. On the other hand, fiscal responsibility and addressing pressing social needs require careful allocation of limited resources.

    • Ultimately, achieving a balance between these two perspectives is essential. Policymakers must prioritize social welfare while recognizing the importance of fostering a vibrant artistic community. By employing sound judgment, evidence-based decision-making, and effective governance, societies can strike a delicate balance, ensuring that public funds are allocated in a manner that maximizes societal well-being and preserves cultural heritage for future generations.

  4. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss.

    • The purpose of the justice system has long been a subject of debate and reflection. While some argue that punishment should be the primary focus, others advocate for a shift towards rehabilitation. This essay explores both perspectives, weighing the merits of each approach and ultimately arguing for the prioritization of rehabilitation over punishment. By examining real-world evidence, explaining the underlying principles, and highlighting the societal benefits, this essay will demonstrate that the justice system should prioritize rehabilitation as its primary objective.

    • The traditional approach to justice has centred on punishment as a means of retribution and deterrence. Throughout history, punitive measures such as incarceration, fines, and even capital punishment have been utilized to address criminal behaviour. These punishments have been seen as a way to balance the scales of justice and ensure that offenders pay for their crimes. Punishment aligns with the concept of retributive justice, which emphasizes proportional retribution for the harm caused. This approach argues that individuals who commit crimes should be held accountable and suffer the consequences as a form of justice. Proponents of punishment argue that it deters potential offenders and maintains societal stability by creating a sense of fear and consequences for criminal behaviour. The threat of punishment is believed to discourage individuals from engaging in criminal activities, thereby protecting the overall well-being of society.

    • The rehabilitation-focused approach suggests that the justice system should prioritize the reformation and reintegration of offenders. Numerous instances have demonstrated the positive impact of rehabilitation programs on reducing recidivism rates. For example, Norway's emphasis on rehabilitation and restorative justice has led to significantly lower rates of re-offending compared to countries with punitive systems. Rehabilitation focuses on the concept of restorative justice, aiming to repair the harm caused by the crime and reintegrate offenders into society. By addressing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour and providing educational, vocational, and psychological support, rehabilitation seeks to prevent future offences. Investing in rehabilitation programs has the potential to reduce crime rates, lower prison populations, and alleviate the burden on the justice system. By addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour and providing individuals with the necessary tools to reintegrate successfully, society benefits from lower crime rates, reduced victimization, and increased economic productivity.

    • While prioritizing rehabilitation, it is important to acknowledge the need for accountability and the role of punishment within the justice system. Several countries have adopted hybrid models that strike a balance between punishment and rehabilitation. These models incorporate punitive measures for serious offences while emphasizing rehabilitation for non-violent and low-risk offenders. Balancing punishment and rehabilitation involves tailoring sentences to the individual needs of the offender. This approach acknowledges that while some offenders may require more punitive measures, others may benefit from rehabilitative interventions to address the underlying causes of their criminal behaviour. By incorporating both punishment and rehabilitation, the justice system can achieve better outcomes. This approach ensures accountability while simultaneously addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour, reducing recidivism rates, and promoting reintegration.

    • Rehabilitation should be prioritized as the purpose of the justice system while recognizing the importance of accountability and punishment. By shifting the focus from retribution to reformation, societies can foster the rehabilitation and successful reintegration of offenders, leading to reduced crime rates, improved community safety, and enhanced social well-being. Through evidence-based approaches and a commitment to individualized justice, rehabilitation can transform the lives of offenders and build a more just and compassionate society.

  5. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Is the regulation of the press desirable?

    • The press, often referred to as the Fourth Estate, plays a crucial role in any democratic society. It serves as a watchdog, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the dissemination of information to the public. However, the power wielded by the press also raises questions about the need for regulation. This essay examines the desirability of press regulation, considering both the arguments for and against such measures. While acknowledging the importance of safeguarding the freedom of the press, we must also recognize the potential harm that unregulated media can cause to individuals and society.

    • The preservation of freedom of the press is essential in any democratic society. It enables journalists to fulfil their duty as public informants, ensuring that the public is well-informed about critical issues and holding those in power accountable. Press freedom encourages investigative reporting and exposes corruption and wrongdoing, promoting transparency and trust within society. For example, in countries with robust press freedoms, journalists have played instrumental roles in uncovering scandals and promoting social justice. The Watergate scandal, brought to light by The Washington Post, led to the resignation of U.S. President Richard Nixon and highlighted the importance of a free press in safeguarding democracy. Similarly, in 2019, Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo exposed the Myanmar military's atrocities against the Rohingya minority, leading to international condemnation and increased pressure for accountability. Press freedom empowers journalists to act as a check on power and facilitates the flow of information necessary for an informed citizenry. Uninhibited reporting promotes healthy public debate, facilitates the exposure of corruption and abuse, and ultimately contributes to the functioning of a well-informed democratic society. Without regulation, journalists are more likely to pursue stories without fear of censorship, ensuring the public's right to know. Therefore, upholding freedom of the press is vital to a democratic society, enabling the press to act as a safeguard against abuse of power, encourage accountability, and promote transparency.

    • While press freedom is crucial, unregulated media can lead to the dissemination of biased reporting and misinformation, which can have significant consequences for society. In an era of digital media, the speed and reach of information have increased exponentially, making it even more critical to regulate the press responsibly. The rise of fake news and deliberate misinformation campaigns during recent elections and political events has demonstrated the potential harm caused by unregulated media. Manipulative tactics, clickbait headlines, and the lack of fact-checking can mislead the public, polarize opinions, and undermine the democratic process. Numerous studies have shown that false information spreads faster and wider than accurate information on social media platforms, further emphasizing the need for responsible regulation. Press regulation can play a vital role in mitigating media bias and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of reporting. By establishing ethical standards, fact-checking processes, and codes of conduct, regulatory bodies can hold journalists accountable for their work. This can promote responsible journalism, encourage balanced reporting, and protect the public from manipulation and misinformation. While freedom of the press should be preserved, appropriate regulation can serve as a necessary tool to combat media bias, and misinformation, and protect the democratic process from external manipulations.

    • Another aspect that necessitates press regulation is the balance between the public's right to information and an individual's right to privacy. Unregulated media can sometimes infringe upon personal lives, causing harm to individuals and impeding the public's ability to make informed judgments. In certain instances, the press's pursuit of sensational stories has led to invasions of privacy, damaging individuals' lives and reputations. Paparazzi culture and tabloid journalism have often crossed ethical boundaries, hounding public figures relentlessly and exposing personal information without regard for the consequences. Such invasions of privacy can cause severe emotional distress, harm personal relationships, and undermine the trust individuals place in the media. Press regulation can establish guidelines for responsible reporting that respects individuals' privacy rights while still serving the public interest. Ethical considerations, such as obtaining informed consent, minimizing harm, and distinguishing between public and private matters, can be incorporated into regulatory frameworks. Balancing the public's right to information with individuals' right to privacy is essential for maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the press. In conclusion, while the freedom of the press is vital for the functioning of a democratic society, responsible regulation is necessary to address media bias, misinformation, and the invasion of privacy. Striking a balance between freedom and responsibility can ensure that the press continues to fulfil its democratic role while safeguarding individuals and society from the potential harm caused by unregulated media.

    • The debate surrounding the regulation of the press is complex, with compelling arguments on both sides. The preservation of freedom of the press is essential for democracy, enabling transparency, accountability, and the promotion of informed public discourse. However, unregulated media can lead to media bias, the spread of misinformation, and the invasion of privacy, which can undermine the very principles that a free press seeks to protect. Striking a balance between freedom and responsibility through responsible regulation can help preserve the press's democratic role while addressing these concerns. Ultimately, a thoughtful and carefully crafted regulatory framework can contribute to a more transparent, accountable, and trustworthy press, serving the public interest and democracy as a whole.

  6. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Do events, rather than politicians, shape the future?

    • In the realm of politics, the interplay between events and politicians is a critical factor in shaping the future of nations. While politicians possess the power to influence policies and steer the course of a country, events beyond their control can also have profound effects. This essay explores the dynamic relationship between events and politicians, examining how both forces shape the future. By employing the PEEL (Point, Real-World Evidence, Explanation, Link) structure, we will delve into various examples and arguments that highlight the significance of events and politicians in shaping the future.

    • Significant events can often disrupt political landscapes and redefine the trajectory of nations. The Arab Spring revolutions that swept across several countries in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-2011 exemplify how events can shape the future. These uprisings, sparked by socioeconomic grievances, ousted long-standing autocratic rulers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, among others. The Arab Spring demonstrates how events, in this case, mass protests and demands for political change, can topple established regimes and pave the way for democratic transitions or, conversely, prolonged instability. These events showcased the power of collective action, public sentiment, and the ability of ordinary citizens to shape the future through their actions. The Arab Spring serves as a reminder that events driven by societal discontent or external shocks can have far-reaching consequences, often beyond the control of individual politicians.

    • Politicians play a vital role in shaping the future through policy-making, decision-making, and governance. The New Deal implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression in the 1930s is a prime example of how politicians can shape the future. Roosevelt's comprehensive package of economic and social reforms aimed to revive the American economy, restore public confidence, and build a stronger social safety net. Roosevelt's leadership and policy decisions, such as the establishment of the Social Security system and the Works Progress Administration, had lasting effects on American society and its economic trajectory. By responding to the challenges of the time with bold measures, Roosevelt's actions shaped the future by laying the foundation for a more robust welfare state and government intervention in the economy. The New Deal showcases how politicians, through their vision, policy choices, and governance, can shape the future by responding to pressing challenges and enacting transformative reforms.

    • The relationship between events and politicians is not unidirectional; it is characterized by a dynamic interaction, where both forces influence each other. The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in 2019 is a vivid illustration of how events and politicians interact. The outbreak forced governments worldwide to respond swiftly, implementing measures to control the spread of the virus, safeguard public health, and mitigate the socio-economic impact. The pandemic's severity and magnitude necessitated politicians to make critical decisions regarding public health policies, economic stimulus packages, and vaccine distribution plans. At the same time, the evolution of the pandemic itself, the emergence of new variants, and global scientific advancements shaped the decisions and responses of politicians. The COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies the intricate relationship between events and politicians, where events both influence and are influenced by political decision-making, leading to a mutually shaping dynamic.

    • Both politicians and events face limitations and challenges that can hinder their ability to shape the future. Climate change, a pressing global issue, underscores the limitations faced by both politicians and events. While politicians can implement environmental policies and international agreements, the magnitude of the climate crisis necessitates global cooperation and sustained efforts beyond any single administration or event. The long-term effects of climate change are driven by the cumulative impact of events such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and ecosystem degradation. Although politicians can enact policies to address climate change, the issue transcends individual political cycles, requiring sustained action and global consensus. Climate change serves as a reminder that some challenges are systemic and require continuous engagement from politicians and collective action from societies, emphasizing the limitations of both politicians and events in shaping the future.

    • In the complex landscape of politics, events and politicians each possesses a significant role in shaping the future. Events have the power to disrupt political landscapes, transform societies, and inspire change, often beyond the control of individual politicians. Conversely, politicians exert influence through policy-making, decision-making, and governance, directing the course of a nation. However, the relationship between events and politicians is dynamic and intertwined, with each influencing and being influenced by the other. Recognizing the limitations and challenges faced by both forces highlights the need for collaboration, adaptability, and long-term commitment to address complex issues and shape a brighter future for all.

  7. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: How far is science fiction becoming fact?

    • Science fiction has always captivated our imaginations, showcasing fantastical concepts and futuristic technologies that were once deemed impossible. However, as time progresses, many of these imaginative ideas have materialized, blurring the line between fiction and reality. This essay aims to explore the extent to which science fiction is becoming fact, analyzing various domains such as space exploration, artificial intelligence (AI), and biotechnology. By examining real-world evidence and providing explanations, this discussion will shed light on the remarkable progress we have made and the potential implications of these advancements.

    • In science fiction, interstellar travel and colonization of distant planets have been recurring themes. While we have not achieved the level of space exploration depicted in science fiction, significant progress has been made. One notable example is the successful landing of the Mars rover Perseverance in 2021. This feat marked a significant milestone in our exploration of the Red Planet, bringing us one step closer to realizing the possibilities depicted in science fiction literature and film. The advancements in space exploration have been primarily driven by scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations. Through collaborations between government agencies, private companies, and international organizations, we have witnessed remarkable progress in rocket technology, satellite deployment, and the development of more advanced propulsion systems. The successful landing of Perseverance exemplifies the tangible strides we have made in turning science fiction dreams into scientific realities. As we continue to invest in research and development, the boundaries of space exploration will be pushed even further, bridging the gap between science fiction and fact.

    • Artificial intelligence, a staple of science fiction, has gained significant traction in recent years, with advancements in machine learning and deep neural networks. One of the most prominent examples is the development of autonomous vehicles. Companies like Tesla have made remarkable progress in creating self-driving cars, utilizing AI algorithms and sensor technologies to navigate complex traffic scenarios. This exemplifies the convergence of science fiction and reality, as autonomous vehicles were once solely the domain of futuristic narratives. The rapid growth in computational power and the availability of vast amounts of data have contributed to the advancement of AI. Machine learning algorithms have demonstrated remarkable abilities in tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and even creative endeavours like generating artwork and music. These developments have far-reaching implications across various industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. The utilization of AI in autonomous vehicles serves as an indication that science fiction is gradually turning into fact. With continued research and investment, we can anticipate further breakthroughs in AI that will transform our lives in ways previously unimaginable.

    • Science fiction often portrays advanced biotechnological advancements, such as genetic engineering and human augmentation. While we have made some progress, the extent of these developments remains limited. CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary gene-editing technology, represents a significant step towards turning science fiction into fact. It enables scientists to precisely modify the genetic code, potentially offering solutions to genetic diseases and enhancing our understanding of human biology. While CRISPR-Cas9 holds tremendous potential, it is still in the early stages of development. Ethical and safety concerns surround its application to human germline editing, and we are far from achieving the level of genetic engineering depicted in science fiction. However, its continued refinement and responsible use may pave the way for more significant advancements in the future. Although the progress in biotechnology is not as far-reaching as portrayed in science fiction, CRISPR-Cas9 showcases the potential of gene-editing technologies. While we navigate the ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks, we must remain vigilant and mindful of the long-term consequences as we strive to transform science fiction into a tangible reality.

    • Science fiction has long served as a source of inspiration, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. While we have witnessed remarkable progress in various domains such as space exploration, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology, there are still limitations that prevent us from fully realizing the visions depicted in science fiction. However, through continued research, technological innovation, and responsible ethical considerations, we inch closer to turning these imaginative concepts into concrete realities. As we embrace the intersection of science fiction and fact, it is crucial to proceed with caution, ensuring that our advancements align with our collective values and aspirations. Only then can we truly unlock the full potential of science fiction and shape a future that surpasses even our wildest imaginations.

  8. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Examine the role of music in establishing a national identity in your society.

    • Music has long been regarded as a powerful tool for expressing cultural identity, fostering unity, and shaping a nation's identity. In the case of Singapore, a multicultural society with a diverse blend of ethnicities and traditions, the role of music in establishing a national identity becomes particularly intriguing. This essay aims to delve into the multifaceted aspects of Singaporean music, highlighting its role in celebrating diversity, promoting unity, and projecting a distinct national identity. By examining both historical and contemporary perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of how music has played an integral role in shaping Singapore's cultural fabric.

    • Singapore's national identity is intricately woven with its multicultural heritage. Music serves as a harmonious thread that interconnects diverse ethnic communities, allowing them to celebrate their identities while fostering a collective sense of belonging. The Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) is a prime example of music celebrating diversity. Comprising musicians from various cultural backgrounds, the SSO combines Western classical music with traditional Southeast Asian influences, presenting a unique fusion that resonates with the multicultural audience. Their performances, such as the "Spirit of Asia" series, embrace the musical traditions of different ethnic groups in Singapore, showcasing the nation's diversity. By incorporating elements from various cultural traditions, the SSO not only preserves and promotes heritage music but also helps forge a shared cultural understanding. Such initiatives not only enrich Singapore's musical landscape but also enhance the nation's image as a harmonious multicultural society. The SSO's commitment to diversity and cultural integration reflects Singapore's core values of inclusivity and harmony, strengthening the country's national identity.

    • In addition to celebrating diversity, music also acts as a unifying force, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among Singaporeans. The annual National Day Parade, a grand celebration of Singapore's independence, showcases the power of music in unifying the nation. The parade features captivating performances by local artists, combining traditional and contemporary music. The National Day songs, such as "Home" and "We Will Get There," have become iconic anthems that evoke strong emotions and instil a sense of national pride among Singaporeans. The National Day Parade exemplifies how music brings people together, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. It creates a shared experience that unifies citizens, regardless of their backgrounds, as they celebrate their common history and aspirations. Through music, Singaporeans forge a collective identity rooted in their shared experiences and values. The National Day Parade serves as a powerful platform for reinforcing Singapore's national identity, providing a sense of unity and pride among its citizens.

    • While music plays a significant role in shaping Singapore's national identity, the challenges of establishing a singular musical identity in a multicultural society cannot be overlooked. Singapore's multiculturalism presents a complex landscape where multiple musical traditions coexist. Traditional music genres like Indian classical, Chinese opera and Malay folk music are deeply rooted in the respective communities. Balancing the representation and assimilation of these diverse genres into a unified national musical identity is a delicate process. The challenge lies in striking a balance between preserving individual cultural identities and fostering a cohesive national identity. It requires careful navigation and inclusive practices to ensure that no community feels marginalized or overshadowed by the dominant cultural expressions. The dynamic nature of Singapore's multicultural society necessitates an ongoing dialogue and adaptation in the realm of music to foster an inclusive national identity.

    • Music serves as a vital component in shaping Singapore's national identity by celebrating its diversity, promoting unity, and nurturing a sense of belonging among its citizens. Initiatives like the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and the National Day Parade exemplify the transformative power of music in weaving together the nation's cultural mosaic. While challenges exist in establishing a singular musical identity, Singapore's commitment to inclusivity and cultural preservation ensures that music remains a harmonious and unifying force. Through the harmonious blend of diverse musical expressions, Singapore continues to forge a strong national identity that resonates with its multicultural society.

  9. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: To what extent are people judged more by their physical appearances than by their abilities?

    • In a world where visual stimuli often shape our initial perceptions, the question of whether individuals are predominantly judged based on their physical appearances or their abilities has generated significant debate. This essay aims to explore the extent to which people are judged more by their physical appearances rather than their abilities. By employing the PEEL structure (Point, Real World Evidence, Explanation, and Link), we will analyze diverse perspectives, supported by relevant examples and research, to gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex phenomenon.

    • Physical appearances undeniably influence initial judgments, but abilities ultimately play a crucial role in shaping long-term perceptions. Despite society's increasing emphasis on equality and inclusivity, it is evident that physical appearances continue to hold substantial sway over initial impressions. However, the impact of these judgments on individuals' lives and opportunities often proves limited in the long run, as abilities and accomplishments inevitably become the yardsticks by which individuals are truly evaluated. One striking example of the influence of physical appearances can be observed in the field of job interviews. Numerous studies have indicated that candidates who conform to conventional beauty standards, such as being tall, slim, and attractive, often have an advantage in the selection process. A study conducted by the University of Western Ontario found that physically attractive candidates were more likely to receive favourable evaluations and be recommended for hiring, even when their qualifications and abilities were comparable to less attractive candidates (Hamermesh & Biddle, 1994). This demonstrates that physical appearances can indeed impact initial judgments. The initial bias towards physical appearances can be attributed to evolutionary psychology. Human beings possess an innate tendency to form snap judgments based on physical characteristics, as it served as a survival mechanism in our evolutionary past. This instinctive bias toward attractiveness is known as the "halo effect," whereby individuals with pleasant physical features are often assumed to possess positive personality traits and greater competence in various domains (Kanazawa & Kovar, 2004). Consequently, people tend to gravitate towards individuals who conform to societal beauty ideals, regardless of their abilities or achievements.

    • However, this initial judgmental bias is not definitive, and over time, abilities take precedence over physical appearances. The halo effect tends to fade away as individuals gain more exposure to others' skills, talents, and accomplishments. In various domains, from academics to sports to professional careers, it becomes increasingly difficult for physical appearances to mask a lack of competence. The true measure of a person's worth lies in their ability to perform tasks, achieve goals, and contribute meaningfully to their field. The relationship between physical appearances and abilities is complex and multifaceted. While initial judgments may be influenced by superficial factors, long-term evaluations invariably prioritize abilities and accomplishments. The impact of physical appearances diminishes as individuals are exposed to evidence of others' capabilities, leading to a more accurate and fair assessment of individuals' true worth.

    • However, it is important to acknowledge that physical appearances can still exert a substantial influence on various aspects of individuals' lives, leading to unequal opportunities and differential treatment. Despite the emphasis on meritocracy, society continues to perpetuate beauty ideals and marginalize those who do not conform to them. Studies have shown that physical attractiveness affects individuals' social interactions, career progression, and even legal outcomes. In a study conducted by Gordon Patzer, it was found that physically attractive individuals were more likely to receive lenient sentences and lighter penalties in criminal cases compared to their less attractive counterparts (Patzer, 1985). This demonstrates the pervasive impact of physical appearances, even in realms where abilities should be the primary focus. This bias towards physical appearances can be attributed to deeply ingrained cultural norms and societal expectations. The media and advertising industries play a significant role in perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, creating a distorted perception of what is considered attractive. As a result, individuals who deviate from these standards often face discrimination, prejudice, and limited opportunities. The prevalence of social media further exacerbates this issue, as it amplifies the importance of physical appearances and promotes unrealistic comparisons. Despite the primacy of abilities in long-term evaluations, physical appearances continue to influence individuals' lives and shape societal perceptions. The persistence of beauty ideals and their impact on various domains raise concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of our society, highlighting the need for greater awareness, education, and efforts to challenge these biases.

    • In conclusion, physical appearances undeniably affect initial judgments and can lead to unequal treatment in various domains. However, abilities ultimately play a decisive role in shaping long-term evaluations and individuals' true worth. While initial biases may exist due to evolutionary tendencies and cultural norms, it is essential to strive for a more equitable and inclusive society that values individuals for their skills, accomplishments, and character rather than their physical appearances. By fostering awareness and challenging societal beauty ideals, we can create a more just and meritocratic world where abilities are celebrated and judgments are based on meaningful achievements.

  10. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘Practical ability is just as important as intellectual skills.’ How far is this true in your society?

    • In today's rapidly evolving world, the debate surrounding the importance of practical ability versus intellectual skills has gained significant traction. Some argue that intellectual prowess is the sole determinant of success, while others emphasize the need for practical abilities to navigate real-world challenges effectively. This essay aims to explore the validity of the statement, "Practical ability is just as important as intellectual skills," within the context of Singaporean society. By examining real-world evidence and considering the factors unique to Singapore's socio-economic landscape, we can assess the extent to which this statement holds.

    • While practical ability is vital, it is undeniable that intellectual skills form the foundation of a competent workforce. In Singapore, a highly developed nation with a knowledge-based economy, intellectual skills play a crucial role in driving innovation and technological advancements. For instance, the success of Singapore's biomedical and technology sectors heavily relies on the intellectual capabilities of its workforce. The city-state has attracted major research institutions and corporations due to its emphasis on education and intellectual pursuits, leading to breakthroughs in areas such as pharmaceuticals and artificial intelligence. Intellectual skills enable individuals to think critically, analyze complex problems, and devise innovative solutions. Singapore's educational system places a strong emphasis on intellectual development, with a rigorous curriculum that fosters analytical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific inquiry. This focus has contributed to Singapore's economic success and global competitiveness. Therefore, it can be argued that intellectual skills are of paramount importance in Singapore's society, as they serve as a driving force behind the nation's technological advancements and economic growth.

    • While intellectual skills are vital, practical ability is equally crucial, as it enables individuals to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Singapore's society recognizes the value of practical skills, particularly in sectors that require hands-on expertise, such as engineering, healthcare, and the skilled trades. In Singapore's thriving construction industry, for example, practical abilities are highly valued. The successful completion of numerous infrastructural projects, including the iconic Marina Bay Sands and Changi Airport Terminal 4, relied on the skills of competent engineers, architects, and construction workers. Practical ability equips individuals with the necessary skills to execute tasks efficiently, ensuring the smooth functioning of various sectors. In Singapore, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programs have been implemented to cultivate practical abilities. These programs offer specialized training in fields such as electrical engineering, nursing, and culinary arts, thereby meeting the demand for skilled professionals in specific industries. Consequently, practical ability holds immense significance in Singaporean society, particularly in industries that require hands-on expertise, ensuring the successful implementation of major projects and the seamless functioning of essential sectors.

    • Rather than viewing practical ability and intellectual skills as opposing forces, it is essential to recognize their inherent synergy. The integration of both skill sets enables individuals to thrive in an increasingly complex and dynamic world. Singapore's education system has evolved to foster a holistic approach that combines intellectual and practical skill development. Institutions such as the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and the polytechnics provide avenues for students to acquire practical abilities alongside intellectual skills. These institutions offer a wide range of courses, including internships and industry attachments, to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The integration of practical ability and intellectual skills equips individuals with a versatile skill set, enabling them to adapt to changing demands and contribute effectively to the workforce. Employers in Singapore increasingly value candidates with a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, as they possess the ability to solve complex problems, think critically, and implement solutions effectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the true value lies in the synergy between practical ability and intellectual skills, as Singapore's society recognizes the importance of nurturing individuals who possess both skill sets.

    • In conclusion, the statement "Practical ability is just as important as intellectual skills" holds significant truth within Singaporean society. While intellectual skills are essential for driving innovation and economic growth, practical ability plays an equally vital role in sectors that require hands-on expertise. By fostering a synergistic approach that integrates practical ability with intellectual skills, Singapore prepares its citizens to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving world. Recognizing the importance of both skill sets ensures a competent and adaptable workforce, enabling the nation to thrive in a dynamic global landscape.

  11. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective.

    • Climate change is undeniably one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. As the Earth's temperature rises and extreme weather events become more frequent, efforts to control climate change have gained significant attention. However, there is an ongoing debate about the efficacy of these attempts. This essay aims to assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. While it is important to acknowledge the challenges inherent in mitigating climate change, it is equally crucial to recognize the potential for meaningful progress through collective action and technological advancements.

    • One of the main obstacles to effective climate change control is the difficulty in achieving global cooperation. The Paris Agreement of 2015, a landmark international accord, exemplifies the challenges faced in this regard. While it brought together 197 countries to commit to limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, the lack of binding enforcement mechanisms raises doubts about its long-term effectiveness. The absence of enforceable commitments undermines the potential impact of climate change control efforts. Without clear consequences for non-compliance, countries may be less motivated to implement substantial changes to their policies and practices. Additionally, differing priorities, economic considerations, and political dynamics create further hurdles in achieving global cooperation. This real-world evidence highlights the limitations of attempts to control climate change on a global scale. Without a robust framework that incentivizes compliance and ensures accountability, it becomes increasingly challenging to achieve substantial progress in mitigating climate change.

    • Despite the challenges, technological advancements provide a glimmer of hope in the fight against climate change. Renewable energy technologies have rapidly advanced in recent years, with solar and wind power becoming more efficient and cost-effective. Electric vehicles have gained popularity, and innovative carbon capture and storage methods are being developed. Technological advancements offer the potential to decouple economic growth from carbon emissions, thus addressing the root causes of climate change. By investing in research and development, fostering innovation, and incentivizing the adoption of sustainable technologies, it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a significant scale. Moreover, breakthroughs in areas such as battery storage and grid optimization can facilitate the integration of renewable energy into existing systems, making them more reliable and accessible. The progress made in renewable energy technologies and other innovative solutions demonstrates the potential for effective climate change control. Governments, industries, and individuals can contribute to a sustainable and greener future by continuing to invest in research and development.

    • One argument against the effectiveness of climate change control efforts revolves around economic considerations and the challenges associated with transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Critics argue that the costs of implementing sustainable practices and transitioning from fossil fuels are prohibitively high and would impose significant economic burdens. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy undoubtedly poses challenges, particularly for industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels. However, it is essential to consider the long-term economic benefits of mitigating climate change. The economic costs of inaction, such as damage caused by extreme weather events and the decline of natural resources, far outweigh the initial investments required for transitioning to sustainable practices. Furthermore, renewable energy industries have the potential to generate new jobs and stimulate economic growth. While economic considerations and transition challenges are legitimate concerns, the potential long-term economic benefits and the need to address the adverse impacts of climate change outweigh the short-term costs. A balanced approach that acknowledges these challenges while encouraging sustainable investments is necessary for effective climate change control.

    • Assessing the effectiveness of attempts to control climate change requires a comprehensive evaluation of the challenges faced and the potential for progress. While global cooperation remains a significant obstacle, technological advancements and innovation offer hope for mitigating climate change. Furthermore, while economic considerations and transition challenges are valid concerns, they must be balanced against the long-term economic benefits and the urgent need to address the consequences of climate change. It is through a combination of global cooperation, technological advancements, and mindful economic considerations that effective climate change control can be achieved. Governments, industries, and individuals must embrace collective responsibility and take decisive actions to secure a sustainable and habitable future for generations to come.

  12. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘The quality of written language is being destroyed by social media.’ What is your view?

    • In the digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate and share information. However, a growing concern has emerged regarding the impact of social media on the quality of written language. This essay aims to explore both perspectives on this issue, acknowledging the potential negative effects while also recognizing the positive aspects and opportunities presented by social media. By examining real-world evidence and providing thorough explanations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between social media and the quality of written language.

    • The rise of social media has led to an observable decline in the quality of written language. One notable aspect of social media is its brevity and the prevalence of shorthand communication. Platforms like Twitter, with its character limit, have popularized the use of abbreviations, acronyms, and informal language. Research conducted by linguists at Carnegie Mellon University found that social media users tend to omit vowels, misspell words intentionally, and employ non-standard grammar and punctuation, all of which can diminish the quality of written language (Drouin et al., 2016). The limited space for expressing thoughts on social media platforms often encourages users to sacrifice grammar, spelling, and punctuation in favour of brevity. This can lead to the normalization of language shortcuts, resulting in reduced linguistic precision and accuracy. With the widespread usage of emojis, stickers, and GIFs, the reliance on non-verbal cues in written communication has also increased. Consequently, the art of crafting well-structured and grammatically correct sentences may be compromised. The adoption of informal language on social media platforms may hurt writing skills and the overall quality of written communication. This could impact individuals' ability to effectively communicate in academic, professional, and other formal contexts where precise and polished language is valued.

    • While social media may contribute to a decline in the quality of written language, it also offers unique opportunities for linguistic innovation and skill development. A study published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication suggests that individuals who frequently engage with social media develop strong digital literacy skills, including the ability to adapt their writing style to various contexts (Plester & Wood, 2020). Moreover, social media platforms have given rise to a new form of concise and impactful writing, challenging users to convey their thoughts effectively within character limits. Social media platforms provide a vast and diverse space for individuals to express themselves creatively, experiment with language, and engage in discussions with people from different cultural backgrounds. This constant exposure to a wide array of writing styles and perspectives can enhance individuals' linguistic flexibility and adaptability. The need to convey complex ideas succinctly in a limited space can foster critical thinking and encourage the development of concise and persuasive writing skills. By engaging with social media platforms, individuals can expand their repertoire of written language skills and become adept at tailoring their communication styles to suit different audiences and contexts. This adaptability is increasingly valuable in an interconnected and digitally-driven world.

    • The impact of social media on the quality of written language is a multifaceted issue. While it is evident that social media can contribute to a decline in linguistic precision and accuracy, it also offers unique opportunities for linguistic innovation and skill development. The key lies in striking a balance between informal and formal language use, recognising the context in which each is appropriate. As educators and individuals, it is important to encourage critical thinking, promote effective communication skills, and guide the responsible and mindful use of social media. By harnessing the positive aspects of social media while mitigating its potential negative effects, we can foster a healthy relationship between technology and the quality of written language in the digital age.


you can’t spell ‘seah’ without ‘ah’

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