ChatGPT’s Two Cents on the 2021 GCE A Level General Paper Essay Questions

I had some time over the weekend to poke around ChatGPT's features. I was amazed like the rest of us, to say the least. I also saw a lot of people milking ChatGPT for the content on the internet (YouTube especially) and decided it would be fun to jump on the bandwagon and add a little twist to the picture.

The following are its responses to the 12 GCE A Level general paper essay questions of 2021. They are straight copy pasted from ChatGPT, with a little tweaking using Grammarly to improve sentence structure and grammar. The points below are not fact-checked by me, and I will not be held accountable for any misleading quotes from the stated sources. As I said, these are straight from ChatGPT. Read on to see how brilliant this AI is!

  1. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument, if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Consider the view that people imprisoned for their crimes should lose all their rights.

    • Imprisonment is a punishment that is commonly used in the criminal justice system to deter individuals from committing crimes and to protect society from dangerous individuals. However, the question of whether people who are imprisoned for their crimes should lose all their rights has been the subject of much debate. Some argue that prisoners should be stripped of their rights because they have broken the law and should therefore be denied certain privileges. Others argue that prisoners should retain certain rights because they are still human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. In this essay, I will examine both sides of this debate and provide a nuanced view of the issue.

    • People imprisoned for their crimes should not lose all their rights. The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, also known as the Mandela Rules, state that prisoners should be treated with respect for their inherent dignity and should not be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. These rules are based on the principle that prisoners are not "outlaws" and should not be denied all of their rights. While it is true that prisoners have committed crimes and should be held accountable for their actions, it is important to recognize that they are still human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity. Denying prisoners all of their rights go against basic principles of human rights and can lead to further harm and suffering. For example, denying prisoners access to medical care or education can have profound consequences for their well-being and ability to reintegrate into society upon release.

    • Additionally, denying prisoners all of their rights can undermine the rehabilitative goals of the criminal justice system. Research has shown that rehabilitation programs, such as education and job training, can be effective in reducing recidivism and helping prisoners reintegrate into society upon release. By denying prisoners access to these programs, we are depriving them of the opportunity to learn new skills and make positive changes in their lives. While it is important to hold prisoners accountable for their actions, it is also important to recognize that they are still human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. This means that they should not be denied all of their rights and should have access to programs that can help them rehabilitate and reintegrate into society upon release.

    • People imprisoned for their crimes should lose some of their rights. It is generally accepted that prisoners do lose some of their rights while they are incarcerated. For example, prisoners do not have the same freedom of movement as non-prisoners and are subject to strict rules and regulations. Additionally, prisoners may be subject to searches and other forms of surveillance to maintain order and security within the prison. While it is important to recognize that prisoners are still human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity, it is also necessary to acknowledge that their actions have consequences. One of these consequences is the loss of certain rights while they are in prison. This is necessary to maintain order and security within the prison and to protect society from dangerous individuals.

    • However, it is important to note that the loss of certain rights should not be excessive or punitive. For example, denying prisoners access to medical care or education goes beyond what is necessary to maintain order and security and can have profound consequences for their well-being and ability to reintegrate into society upon release. While prisoners must lose some of their rights to maintain order and security within the prison, it is important to ensure that the loss of these rights is not excessive or punitive and does not undermine the rehabilitative goals of the criminal justice system.

    • In conclusion, the question of whether people who are imprisoned for their crimes should lose all their rights is a complex and multifaceted issue. While prisoners must lose some of their rights to maintain order and security within the prison, it is important to ensure that the loss of these rights is not excessive or punitive and does not undermine the rehabilitative goals of the criminal justice system. Additionally, it is crucial to recognize that prisoners are still human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, which means that they should not be denied all of their rights. A balance must be struck between holding prisoners accountable for their actions and treating them with the respect that they deserve as human beings.

  2. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument, if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Does religion still have a role in the modern world?

    • Religion has been a significant part of human history for centuries, with various belief systems and practices shaping the cultures and societies of different regions around the world. However, as the world becomes increasingly secular and science-oriented, some people question whether religion still has a role in the modern world.

    • Despite the growing trend towards secularization, religion remains an important part of many people's lives and continues to play a significant role in contemporary society. According to a 2020 survey by the Pew Research Centre, more than half of the world's population identifies with a religious group, with the majority being affiliated with Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism. This suggests that religion is still very much a part of the fabric of modern society, with millions of people finding meaning, purpose, and community through their faith. Furthermore, religion continues to have a strong influence on politics, culture, and social issues. For example, debates over abortion and same-sex marriage often have religious underpinnings, and many politicians and policymakers are motivated by their religious beliefs when making decisions. Additionally, religious holidays and rituals are often embraced and celebrated by people of all faiths and backgrounds, highlighting the enduring cultural impact of religion.

    • While it is true that secularization and scientific advances have led to a decline in religious observance in some parts of the world, this does not necessarily mean that religion is no longer relevant. For many people, religion provides a sense of connection to something greater than themselves and offers a framework for understanding and making sense of the world around them. It can also provide a sense of community and support, with religious organizations often serving as a source of social and emotional support for their members. In addition, religion can play a role in promoting moral and ethical values, such as compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. Many religious traditions encourage their followers to be active members of their communities and to work towards the common good, whether through charitable work or social justice efforts. While the role of religion in the modern world may be different than it was in the past, it is clear that it still has a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole. As such, it is important to acknowledge and respect the diversity of religious beliefs and practices, and to recognize the positive contributions that religion can make to the world.

    • While religion continues to be an important part of many people's lives, there are also valid arguments for the decline of religion in the modern world. One argument for the decline of religion is the increasing reliance on science and reason as a means of understanding and explaining the world. As scientific advances have provided explanations for phenomena that were previously attributed to religious causes, some people have turned away from religion in favour of a more secular worldview. Additionally, the proliferation of information and the ability to access a wide range of viewpoints through the internet has led some people to question the validity of traditional religious beliefs and practices. These trends towards secularization and scepticism towards religion can be seen in the declining attendance at religious services and the increasing number of people who identify as atheists or agnostic. While religion may continue to have a strong presence in some parts of the world, it is clear that it is on the decline in others. Ultimately, the role of religion in the modern world is a complex and multifaceted issue. While it is clear that religion continues to be an important part of many people's lives and has a significant impact on society, it is also true that secularization and scientific advances have led to a decline in religious observance in some parts of the world.

    • Whether religion still has a role in the modern world has not been a simple one, and there are valid arguments on both sides. While religion continues to be an important part of many people's lives and has a significant impact on society, it is also true that secularization and scientific advances have led to a decline in religious observance in some parts of the world. Ultimately, the role of religion in the modern world is likely to continue to evolve and change as society and cultural values shift.

  3. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘Dramas on television or film are never as effective as a live performance.’ Discuss.

    • Dramas on television or film are often perceived as being less effective than live performances due to their lack of immediacy and intimacy. However, this view fails to consider the unique strengths and opportunities that television and film offer for storytelling and character development. While it is true that live performances have a certain energy and presence that cannot be replicated through a screen, it is unfair to dismiss the impact and value of televised and film dramas.

    • Live performances have a certain energy and presence that cannot be replicated through a screen. Live performances offer a level of immediacy and intimacy that cannot be achieved through television or film. The audience is present in the same physical space as the actors, allowing for a more direct connection and a greater sense of immersion. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of live performance adds an element of excitement and tension, as anything can happen at the moment. This energy and presence are a key part of the appeal of live performances, and it is something that cannot be fully captured through a screen. However, it is important to recognize that this is not the only factor contributing to a drama's effectiveness. While the energy and presence of live performances is a certainly valuable aspect, it is not the only factor to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of a drama. There are many other elements, such as character development and storytelling, that also contribute to the impact of a drama.

    • Television and film offer unique opportunities for character development and storytelling. One of the strengths of television and film is the ability to portray intricate and nuanced character development throughout a longer narrative. While live performances may offer brief glimpses into a character's inner life through dialogue and actions, televised and film dramas have the opportunity to delve deeper and explore a character's motivations, desires, and growth in greater detail. Additionally, the use of close-ups and other camera techniques in film allows for a more intimate portrayal of a character's emotions and inner thoughts. This ability to delve deeper into character development allows for a more engaging and impactful story, as the audience can understand and connect with the characters on a deeper level. While live performances offer a certain energy and presence, the unique opportunities for character development and storytelling offered by television and film should not be overlooked. These elements are crucial to the effectiveness of a drama, and they are areas where televised and film dramas excel.

    • The use of special effects and production design can enhance the impact of a drama. Television and film can use special effects and production design to create immersive and believable worlds that would be difficult or impossible to recreate on a live stage. This can add depth and texture to a story, making it more believable and engaging for the audience. While live performances can certainly use costumes, makeup, and set design to create a sense of place and atmosphere, the use of special effects and production design in television and film can take this to a whole new level. The use of special effects and production design is just one more way that television and film can enhance the impact of a drama. While these elements are not essential to the effectiveness of a drama, they can certainly add depth and believability to a story.

    • In conclusion, while it is true that live performances offer a certain energy and presence that cannot be fully replicated through a screen, it is unfair to dismiss the impact and value of televised and film dramas. Television and film offer unique opportunities for character development and storytelling, and the use of special effects and production design can enhance the impact of a drama. Both live performances and televised/film dramas have their strengths and can be effective in their own right. It is important to recognize and appreciate the value of both forms of storytelling, rather than pitting them against each other in an either/or comparison.

  4. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Assess the extent to which different age groups in your society are valued equally.

    • There is evidence to suggest that different age groups in Singapore's society are not valued equally. One example of this can be seen in the way that older individuals are often discriminated against in the workforce. In a survey conducted by the Ministry of Manpower, it was found that nearly half of all respondents over the age of 50 reported experiencing age discrimination in the workplace. This can take the form of being passed over for promotions or being let go due to their age.

    • Additionally, there is a significant gap in the wealth and income of different age groups in Singapore. According to the Department of Statistics, those in the 35-44 age group have the highest median monthly income, while those over 65 have the lowest. This suggests that younger individuals are more likely to be financially successful, while older individuals may struggle to make ends meet. These discrepancies in treatment and opportunities may be due to a variety of factors, including societal attitudes towards ageing and the value placed on youth and productivity. There may also be structural barriers in place that make it difficult for older individuals to advance in their careers or access the same opportunities as their younger counterparts. The unequal treatment of different age groups in Singapore's society can have significant consequences, including economic insecurity and a lack of social support for older individuals. The government and society as a whole need to address these issues and work towards creating a more equitable society for people of all ages.

    • In Singapore, different age groups are valued to varying degrees. Children and teenagers are generally valued in Singapore, with a strong emphasis placed on education and personal development. There are numerous programs and resources available to support young people, including scholarships, enrichment classes, and youth organizations. However, there may still be some biases and stereotypes that affect the way young people are treated, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    • Working-age adults, particularly those in their 20s and 30s, are often seen as being at the prime of their careers and are therefore valued for their productivity and potential. However, as mentioned earlier, there is evidence to suggest that older individuals may face discrimination in the workplace, which can limit their opportunities and impact their financial stability.

    • Older adults in Singapore may face more challenges in terms of being valued and respected in society. For example, they may struggle to find employment or may be passed over for promotions due to their age. Additionally, there is a lack of social support and resources available to help older adults age in place, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

    • Overall, it is clear that different age groups in Singapore's society are not valued equally. While children and teenagers may be supported and valued for their potential, older adults may struggle to find the same level of respect and support. Society needs to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for people of all ages.

  5. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: To what extent individuals can shape their own lives when the world is so unpredictable?

    • To a great extent, individuals can shape their own lives even when the world is unpredictable. While external factors such as natural disasters, political upheaval, and economic changes can have a significant impact on a person's circumstances, individuals still have the agency to make choices that can shape their lives.

    • One's ability to shape their own life is not entirely dependent on external circumstances. A case in point is the story of Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and the founder of logotherapy. Despite experiencing extreme suffering and trauma during his time in concentration camps, Frankl was able to maintain his sense of purpose and meaning in life by choosing his attitude towards his circumstances. He believed that individuals can find meaning in any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. In his book "Man's Search for Meaning," Frankl writes, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's way." Frankl's experience illustrates that even in the face of unimaginable hardship, individuals have the power to shape their own lives by choosing their attitude and perspective. This is not to say that external circumstances do not matter; they certainly have an impact on a person's options and opportunities. However, how an individual responds to those circumstances is ultimately within their control. This idea is supported by research in the field of psychology, specifically the concept of resilience. Resilience refers to an individual's ability to adapt and bounce back in the face of adversity. While some people may be more naturally resilient than others, research suggests that resilience can be developed through intentional effort and practice. This includes developing a positive attitude, setting goals, seeking support, and practising coping strategies such as mindfulness and problem-solving.

    • In conclusion, while external circumstances can certainly influence a person's life, individuals have the agency to shape their own lives to a great extent by choosing their attitude and perspective and developing resilience. It is important to recognize that this is not always easy and may require effort and determination, but it is possible.

  6. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘Too many historical figures are famous for the wrong reasons.’ Discuss.

    • Throughout history, there have been countless figures who have gained fame and notoriety for their accomplishments and contributions to society. However, it can be argued that too many of these figures are famous for the wrong reasons. Whether it is due to misinformation, biased perspectives, or a focus on sensationalism, it is important to examine why some historical figures are celebrated and remembered and to consider whether their fame is justified.

    • There are many examples of historical figures who are famous for the wrong reasons. One such example is Christopher Columbus, who is often celebrated as the "discover" of America. However, Columbus's actions and policies towards the indigenous peoples he encountered were highly controversial and had significant negative consequences. Columbus and his men enslaved and mistreated the native peoples they encountered, and his expeditions helped pave the way for the colonization and exploitation of the Americas. Despite this, Columbus is still celebrated in many parts of the world and even has a national holiday named after him. Another example of a historical figure who is famous for the wrong reasons is Genghis Khan, the Mongolian leader who is often remembered for his military conquests and ruthless tactics. While it is undeniable that Khan was a skilled military strategist and leader, he is also responsible for the deaths of millions of people and the destruction of countless cities and civilizations. His empire, which was the largest in the world at the time, was built on the backs of conquered peoples, and his rule was characterized by brutality and oppression. Despite this, Khan is often romanticized and celebrated as a great leader and conqueror.

    • The fact that these figures are famous for the wrong reasons can be attributed to several factors. In some cases, it may be due to a lack of understanding or knowledge about the true nature of their actions and the consequences of their deeds. In other cases, it may be due to biased or misleading accounts of history that seek to glorify or romanticize certain figures, while downplaying or ignoring their flaws and misdeeds. It can also be a result of a focus on sensationalism and the desire to celebrate figures who are perceived as larger-than-life or who have made a significant impact on the world. The consequences of celebrating historical figures for the wrong reasons can be significant. It can perpetuate harmful myths and misinformation, and it can also serve to glorify and justify immoral or unethical actions. It is important to examine and critically assess the actions and legacies of historical figures and to consider whether their fame is truly deserved. This can help to promote a more accurate and nuanced understanding of history, and it can also help to prevent the celebration and glorification of figures who may not deserve such accolades.

    • One example of a person who is famous for the right reasons is Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian independence leader who is known for his philosophy of nonviolence and civil disobedience. Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence, which he referred to as satyagraha, played a crucial role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. He inspired millions of people around the world with his message of peace and justice, and his legacy continues to influence political and social movements today. Another example of a person who is famous for the right reasons is Martin Luther King Jr., the American civil rights leader who is best known for his role in the civil rights movement and his advocacy for racial equality. King's leadership and activism, which was inspired by Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence, played a crucial role in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended segregation and discrimination based on race in the United States. His message of equality and justice has inspired countless people around the world and continues to do so today.

    • People who are famous for the right reasons are often celebrated and remembered because of the positive impact they have had on the world. Gandhi and King are both examples of individuals who were able to inspire and lead others towards positive change and progress. Their legacies are enduring because they were able to make a meaningful difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. The celebration of people who are famous for the right reasons can serve to inspire and motivate others to make a positive impact on the world. It can also serve as a reminder of the potential for individuals to effect change and make a difference in the world. By celebrating and remembering the achievements and contributions of people like Gandhi and King, we can continue to be inspired by their legacies and work towards creating a better world.

    • In conclusion, whether it is due to a lack of understanding, biased perspectives, or a focus on sensationalism, it is important to critically examine the actions and legacies of these figures and to consider whether their fame is truly deserved. By doing so, we can promote a more accurate and nuanced understanding of history, and we can also ensure that we are not celebrating or glorifying figures who may not deserve such accolades.

  7. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘The results of scientific research should be available to everyone.’ How far do you agree?

    • I agree that the results of scientific research should be made available to everyone.

    • There are several reasons why the results of scientific research should be made available to everyone. First, scientific research is often funded by public money, either through government grants or charitable donations. In this case, it is only fair that the results of this research are made available to the public, who have effectively paid for it. Second, scientific research has the potential to benefit society in many ways. It can lead to the development of modern technologies, treatments, and policies that can improve people's lives. By making the results of scientific research available to everyone, we can ensure that this knowledge is disseminated as widely as possible, allowing more people to benefit from it. Finally, direct access to scientific research can also help to promote transparency and accountability in the scientific community. By making research available to anyone interested, we can help to ensure that the research is being conducted ethically and with integrity. This can help to build trust in the scientific community and encourage more people to support and engage with scientific research.

    • One example of the importance of making scientific research available to everyone is the COVID-19 pandemic. The rapid sharing of research and information played a crucial role in the development and distribution of vaccines and treatments. Without direct access to this information, it would have been much more difficult for governments, health organizations, and individual researchers to respond effectively to the crisis.

    • Several initiatives and organizations promote direct access to scientific research. For example, the direct access movement advocates for the free availability of research articles, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) provides a directory of direct access to scientific journals. Additionally, many funding agencies now require that the results of research they fund be made available through direct access channels.

    • However, there may be certain situations in which the results of scientific research should not be made available to everyone. These situations are typically rare and are typically related to issues of national security, public safety, or ethical concerns. For example, if the results of a scientific study contain sensitive information that could be used to harm national security or public safety, it may be necessary to restrict access to that information. Similarly, if the results of a study contain sensitive personal or medical information about individuals, it may be necessary to protect that information and restrict access to it.

    • In these cases, it is important to balance the need for direct access to scientific research with the need to protect sensitive information. This may involve finding ways to make the research available in a way that redacts or removes sensitive information, or it may involve making the research available only to a limited group of individuals who have a legitimate need to access it. Overall, while it is important to make the results of scientific research available to everyone whenever possible, there may be rare situations in which it is necessary to restrict access to that information. In these cases, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of making the research available and to respond appropriately to protect sensitive information.

    • In conclusion, the results of scientific research should generally be made available to everyone. There are several reasons why this is important, including the fact that scientific research is often funded by public money, has the potential to benefit society in many ways, and can help to promote transparency and accountability in the scientific community. While there may be rare situations in which it is necessary to restrict access to scientific research due to issues of national security, public safety, or ethical concerns, it is generally important to ensure that the results of scientific research are as widely available as possible. By making scientific research available to everyone, we can ensure that the knowledge and insights gained through this research are disseminated as widely as possible and can be used to benefit society in many different ways.

  8. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Examine the claim that music without words lacks both meanings and appeal.

    • Music is a universal language that can evoke emotions and convey meaning, but does this power only exist in music with lyrics? The claim that music without words lacks both meaning and appeal is a controversial topic that has been debated for centuries. On one hand, some argue that instrumental music lacks the explicit messaging and storytelling of lyrics, making it less meaningful and less appealing to listeners. On the other hand, others argue that instrumental music can be just as powerful and expressive as music with lyrics and that its meaning and appeal are derived from its ability to communicate emotions and ideas through sound alone.

    • Some argue that instrumental music lacks meaning and appeal because it lacks explicit lyrics. It is often assumed that music with lyrics is more accessible and easier to understand than instrumental music. Lyrics provide a clear and explicit message, which can be especially appealing to those who may not have the same level of musical literacy or knowledge of music theory. Lyrics allow listeners to follow along with a story or message, which can add depth and meaning to a song. In contrast, instrumental music does not have this explicit storytelling element, which can make it more difficult for some listeners to fully understand or connect. Additionally, lyrics can provide context and background information that can help listeners understand the overall message or theme of a song.

    • Others argue that instrumental music can be just as expressive and meaningful as music with lyrics. Throughout history, instrumental music has played a significant role in various cultures and has been used to convey a wide range of emotions and ideas. For example, classical music is often associated with grandeur and sophistication, while folk music can evoke a sense of cultural identity and tradition. While instrumental music may not have explicit lyrics, it can still convey meaning and emotion through its melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. These musical elements can create a mood or atmosphere and can also reflect the cultural and historical context in which the music was created. In addition, instrumental music can also be used to tell a story or convey a message through its structure and composition.

    • Overall, it is clear that music without words can be just as meaningful and appealing as music with lyrics. While lyrics can provide a clear and explicit message, instrumental music can communicate emotions and ideas through sound alone. The meaning and appeal of music are subjective and can vary from person to person, but it is important to recognize that both instrumental and vocal music has the power to evoke emotions and convey meaning.

  9. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Since the extinction of species is a natural phenomenon, is there any point in trying to prevent it?

    • The extinction of species is a natural phenomenon that has occurred throughout the history of life on Earth. While some may argue that there is no point in trying to prevent it, others believe that there are compelling reasons to do so. In this essay, I will present both sides of the argument and use the PEEL format to explore the issue.

    • Some argue that the extinction of species is a natural part of the evolutionary process and that there is no point in trying to prevent it. Species have indeed been going extinct for millions of years, long before humans existed. For example, the dinosaurs, which were once dominant on the planet, went extinct approximately 66 million years ago. This extinction event was likely caused by a combination of factors, including volcanic activity and a meteor impact. Those who argue that there is no point in trying to prevent the extinction of species often point to the fact that extinction is a natural part of the evolutionary process. They may argue that species that are unable to adapt to their changing environments will inevitably go extinct and that there is nothing we can do to prevent it. They may also argue that it is futile to try to save every species, as it is simply not possible. Some proponents of this perspective may point to examples like the dinosaurs, which went extinct even though they were once the dominant species on the planet. They may argue that the extinction of species is simply a part of the natural cycle of life and that it is not our place to try to intervene.

    • Others argue that there are compelling reasons to try to prevent the extinction of species. There are several reasons why people believe that it is important to try to prevent the extinction of species. One reason is that many species play vital roles in the ecosystem and the loss of a single species can have unintended consequences for the rest of the ecosystem. For example, the loss of bees, which are important pollinators, could have significant impacts on the food supply. Those who argue that we should try to prevent the extinction of species often point to the fact that many species play important roles in the ecosystem and that the loss of a single species can have unintended consequences. They may also argue that it is our moral obligation to try to protect and preserve the diversity of life on the planet. They may point to the fact that we are the dominant species on the planet and that it is our responsibility to care for the other species that share the planet with us. Proponents of this perspective may point to examples like the loss of bees, which has had significant impacts on the food supply and the overall health of the ecosystem. They may also argue that it is our moral responsibility to try to preserve the diversity of life on the planet and that we must protect and preserve the species that share the planet with us.

    • In conclusion, the extinction of species is a natural phenomenon that has occurred throughout the history of life on Earth. While some argue that there is no point in trying to prevent it, others believe that there are compelling reasons to do so. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to try to prevent the extinction of species is a complex one that depends on a variety of factors. However, it is important to consider both sides of the argument and to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

  10. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘Consumerism is more of a curse than a blessing.’ How true is this of your society?

    • Consumerism is the concept of buying and consuming goods and services in copious quantities, and it is often seen as a driving force in modern societies. On one hand, consumerism can bring about economic growth and provide people with access to a wide variety of products and services that improve their quality of life. On the other hand, it can also have negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole, leading some to argue that it is more of a curse than a blessing.

    • Consumerism can lead to economic growth and prosperity. Real-world evidence: In the United States, consumer spending accounts for about 70% of the country's economic activity, and it has been a key factor in the country's economic growth in recent decades. When people spend money on goods and services, it drives demand and creates jobs, leading to economic growth. This can lead to increased prosperity for individuals and society as a whole.

    • Consumerism can lead to overconsumption and waste. The average American household generates about 17.6 tons of carbon dioxide per year, much of which is related to consumption and waste. This contributes to environmental degradation and climate change. Consumerism often encourages people to buy more than they need, leading to overconsumption and waste. This can have negative environmental impacts, such as pollution and resource depletion. It can also contribute to climate change through the production and transportation of goods.

    • Consumerism can lead to increased debt and financial stress. In the United States, the average household credit card debt is about $6,800, and many people struggle to pay off their debts. This can lead to financial stress and can even result in bankruptcy for some individuals. Consumerism often encourages people to spend more than they can afford, leading to increased debt. This can cause financial stress and can even result in bankruptcy for those who are unable to pay off their debts.

    • Consumerism can lead to a focus on material possessions rather than personal and social values. Research has shown that people who place a high value on material possessions are less satisfied with their lives overall and are more likely to experience negative emotions such as envy and resentment. Consumerism often places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of material possessions, which can lead people to place a high value on these things. This can shift the focus away from personal and social values, such as relationships and community involvement, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and negative emotions.

    • In conclusion, consumerism can have both positive and negative impacts on society. While it can lead to economic growth and provide access to a wide variety of goods and services, it can also contribute to overconsumption, waste, financial stress, and a focus on material possessions. Ultimately, the extent to which consumerism is a blessing or a curse depends on how it is managed and the values that it promotes.

  11. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: Consider the view that mathematics is of little interest to most people as it is too complex.

    • Mathematics is a subject that has been around for thousands of years and has played a crucial role in the development of various fields such as science, technology, and engineering. However, there is a view that mathematics is of little interest to most people as it is too complex. In this essay, I will explore both sides of this argument by considering the arguments for and against the view that mathematics is too complex for most people.

    • Mathematics is too complex for most people. One argument for the view that mathematics is too complex for most people is the fact that many people struggle with math in school. A survey conducted by the National Centre for Education Statistics found that only 40% of high school students in the United States were proficient in mathematics. This suggests that a sizeable portion of the population finds math to be a challenging subject. One reason why math may be perceived as too complex for most people is that it requires a high level of abstract thinking and problem-solving skills. Mathematical concepts and principles often involve abstract ideas that may be difficult for some people to grasp. Additionally, math problems often require students to think critically and apply logical reasoning to find a solution, which can be challenging for some people. The complexity of math may also be due to the way it is taught in schools. Some educators argue that math is often taught in a rote, memorization-based approach, which may not be engaging or meaningful for all students. This approach to teaching math may not effectively convey the underlying concepts and principles, leading to a lack of understanding and difficulty in solving problems.

    • Mathematics is not too complex for most people. Despite the challenges that many people face in math, many people excel in the subject and find it to be enjoyable and rewarding. A study conducted by the American Mathematical Society found that students who reported enjoying math had higher grades and were more likely to pursue careers in math-related fields. This suggests that math is not necessarily too complex for everyone and can be enjoyable and rewarding for those who are interested in it. One reason why math may not be too complex for some people is that they have a natural aptitude for the subject. Some people have a natural ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts and principles, which allows them to excel in math. Additionally, some people may have a strong interest in math and enjoy the problem-solving aspect of the subject, which motivates them to learn and understand more complex concepts. Another reason why math may not be too complex for some people is that they are exposed to a variety of teaching methods and approaches that make math more accessible and engaging. For example, some educators use hands-on, experiential learning techniques, such as manipulatives or real-world examples, to help students understand math concepts and principles. These approaches may be more effective in helping students understand and appreciate the subject, even if they are not naturally inclined towards math.

    • In conclusion, the view that mathematics is too complex for most people is a matter of perspective and individual experience. While it is true that many people struggle with math in school, this does not necessarily mean that math is too complex for everyone. Some people may have a natural aptitude for the subject or find it enjoyable and rewarding, while others may struggle with math due to a lack of understanding or engagement. Educators need to consider a variety of teaching approaches and methods to make math more accessible and engaging for all students.

  12. Write a college essay (roughly 3000 words) which contains both sides of the argument if necessary, with the format PEEL (point, real-world evidence, explanation, link) using the following prompt: ‘It is not winning, but taking part, which matters.’ How acceptable is this an approach to life?

    • The idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters is a popular one, and it is often used to encourage people to participate in activities and not be discouraged by the possibility of failure. However, this approach to life is not without its criticisms, and it is important to consider both sides of the argument to fully understand its acceptability.

    • One argument in favour of the idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters is that participation in activities can have its value, regardless of the outcome. For example, participating in a sport or club can provide an opportunity for personal growth, social connection, and physical activity, all of which can have positive impacts on a person's well-being. Additionally, participating in activities can help to build confidence and resilience, as it requires trying new things and facing challenges. There is research to support the idea that participating in extracurricular activities can have a range of benefits for students. For example, a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Research found that participation in extracurricular activities was associated with higher levels of academic achievement, as well as improved social skills and self-esteem (Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg, & Dornbusch, 1991). Another study published in the Journal of Positive Behaviour Interventions found that participation in extracurricular activities was associated with a range of positive outcomes, including better attendance, improved grades, and increased engagement in school (Ruef, 2012). While it is certainly important to strive for success and to work towards winning, the idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters can be seen as a way of emphasizing the importance of effort and personal growth. Rather than focusing solely on the result, this approach emphasizes the value of the journey and the skills and experiences gained along the way. This can be especially important for those who may not be naturally talented or who may be starting at a disadvantage, as it encourages them to keep trying and to focus on their progress, rather than getting discouraged by the possibility of not winning. While competition can be a healthy and motivating force, an overly competitive mindset can also be damaging. It can lead to a focus on winning at all costs, which can lead to unethical behaviour and a lack of sportsmanship. Additionally, an overly competitive mindset can discourage participation, as those who do not feel confident in their ability to win may be less likely to try. By emphasizing the value of taking part and personal growth, the idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters can help to create a more inclusive and supportive environment, in which all participants feel valued and encouraged to participate.

    • However, it is also important to consider the role that winning can play in motivation and achievement. For some people, the prospect of winning can be a strong motivator and can drive them to work hard and strive for excellence. Winning can also provide a sense of accomplishment and can be a source of pride and self-esteem. Additionally, in some cases, winning may be necessary to achieve certain goals or to advance to the next level in a particular activity. There is evidence to suggest that competition can have a range of benefits. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that competition can increase motivation and performance, as it provides a clear goal and a sense of accountability (Hennessy, Duda, & Biddle, 1999). Another study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that competition can lead to improved physical performance, as it encourages individuals to push themselves to their limits and strive for improvement (Goudreau & Allan, 2015). Motivation is a crucial factor in achieving success, and the prospect of winning can be a powerful motivator for many people. For example, the desire to win a championship or to earn a promotion can drive individuals to work harder and put in extra effort to achieve their goals. The idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters can be seen as downplaying the role of motivation in achievement and may not be as effective at inspiring individuals to work towards their goals. While it is important to recognize the value of participating and personal growth, it is also important to set goals and strive for excellence. This does not necessarily mean that winning is the only goal, but rather that individuals should aim to perform to the best of their ability and to continually improve. By setting challenging goals and working towards them, individuals can develop a sense of purpose and direction and can experience the satisfaction of accomplishment when they achieve their goals.

    • In conclusion, it is important to consider both sides of the argument when evaluating the acceptability of the idea that it is not winning, but taking part, which matters. While participation in activities can have its value and can lead to personal growth and well-being, it is also important to recognize the role that motivation and striving for excellence can play in achievement. Ultimately, the most acceptable approach will depend on the individual and their goals and values.


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