My Two Cents on 2021


I write this every year, as a sort of reflection on the year, and to plan ahead for the next, but 2021 has been a rather strange year. Many things occurred, but I can’t seem to remember any of them. It seems like my mind decided to block out all the memories of school after A levels ended, or something along those lines.

But it’s not that I had a disappointing time in nanyang either, yet the details of what happened, both the good and bad, are blurry. I have to turn to my photo gallery to trigger some of the events that happened, and I realised there isn’t much that happened anyways, thus I’ll keep this short.

Apart from studies, 2021 has been a year of finding out my capabilities, learning, and listening to others. Apologising when I’m wrong, and gaining new experiences. I made more friends, and worked on my team skills.

My friends inspired me to reflect on myself, and the things happening around the world. They shared their hardships and we all learnt from the red flags. They kept me going even though there was no end in sight.

I got to organise a semi-large scale event, do recruitment, and talked to the elderly about their daily lives during and before covid. This was on top of the photos I needed to vet, the studio photography, and other commitments. I want to thank NYPS for making JC life, especially my last year, much much more memorable. It was my first choice, and I’ve never regretted that decision.

At the end of the day, it is ultimately the people that makes a community more lively, more enjoyable, and more fun.

I’m grateful and thankful for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. Thank you for the opportunities I was offered and picked up. Thank you for memories.

It was a tough year, no doubts, but it was a good year, at least for me, for soul searching and self-reflection. I’ll end off with a quote from a friend - “I got to see what I do not want to become as a person”.



you can’t spell ‘seah’ without ‘ah’

My Two Cents on Taking Computing for A Levels


My Two Cents on Working for Century Evergreen